Childcraft/School Specialty Sorry, this book is no longer available.
ISBN 978-158669-367-1 (paperback)
ISBN 978-158669-366-4 (big book, 16 in.x 20 in.)
Polar Bear Pirates
Illustrated by Robert Bender
Yo-Ho-Ho! Polar bear pirates are rough-tough bears on the Arctic Sea. They’re on a search for treasure. When they finally find it—uh, oh!—they not only lose their manners, but their treasure too—to puffin pirates! Will those big, bad bears ever learn to behave?
On Arctic seas, there sails a ship
of big, bad bears upon a trip.
They steer through waves of ice and snow.
They're polar bear pirates! Yo-Ho-Ho!...
From up, up high, a mate spies land.
"Dock the ship!" comes the command.
Polar bear pirates disembark.
Polar bear pirates hunt for the mark.
X is the spot on the treasure map.
"Aye!" they yell, then CHOP-CHOP-TAP!